Most links were dead years after publishing of this list so I replaced them with those to The Wayback Machine by if available. By the way support their work!

10.2013 Atrej ( - English translation
08.2008 Dominik [Nehamod] ( - Polish only
03.2007 Kasia & Paweł;/ Atmospheric'zine # 13 - Polish only
09.2006 Marcin Ratajewski / - Polish only
04.2006 Warzych / - Polish only
02.2006 The Nocturnal Battle of Chariots - Polish only
10.2001 Masterful Maga'zine - Polish only
1999 Lykos web zine (UK); English
1999 Refraktor'zine (Germany); Polish and German; PDF; 126 KiB